Aminet 7
Aminet 7 - August 1995.iso
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88 lines
Short: The Rock Melody Mailer
Author: robert_williamson@p0.f104.n167.z1.fidonet.org (Robert Williamson)
Uploader: robert_williamson@p0.f104.n167.z1.fidonet.org (Robert Williamson)
Type: comm/fido
Rock v1.4 - Fidonet mailer for point systems
Rock, is one of the smallest Point mailers available for the Amiga.It's
written using the WPL and Arexx languages.
Rock is based upon POP, the world's smallest mailer, by Denis Turcotte,
and on JAZ v1.01 by Robert Williamson (for the wpl code, LaunchWPL,
xprzedzap.library, xferq.library and rock.rexx script).
Rock is pretty easy to install and to configure, is not memory and disk
space hungry, and allows to call the all the different phone numbers of
your boss if the line is busy.
For calls to other systems than the boss, it can make use of the nodelist
if you already have installed the traplist.library, otherwise it asks for
the phone number.
Note that there is no charge to use traplist.library.
There IS a requirement to pay the full shareware registration
fee for TrapList.
- Robert Williamson
To keep things simple, the only available protocols are WAZOO for
negotiation and ZEDZAP for file transfer.
An example configuration file (ROCK.cfg) and the related doc (RockCfg.doc)
are given.
Be sure to read Rock.DOC before trying anything else.
Jean-Marc Xiumé
- fidonet : 2:320/104.22
- amiganet : 39:180/1.22
- usenet : jmx@ramses.fdn.org
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
526 322 38.7% 24-Jan-95 20:52:32 addrcheck.rexx
143 105 26.5% 24-Jan-95 12:26:34 assignxferq
20 20 0.0% 27-Sep-94 11:48:18 BOSS
1286 680 47.1% 01-Mar-95 19:11:50 BOSS.info
1124 620 44.8% 24-Jan-95 20:54:48 bossflo.rexx
996 579 41.8% 24-Jan-95 20:53:26 bossoutbound.rexx
706 368 47.8% 24-Jan-95 20:56:44 cnxtime.rexx
1240 623 49.7% 24-Jan-95 22:03:52 +rock.cfg.ramses144
74 71 4.0% 14-Dec-94 17:41:00 +startrock.spot
156 120 23.0% 25-Dec-94 19:15:52 KillRock
7236 4715 34.8% 31-May-94 13:42:50 LaunchWpl
58412 29444 49.5% 30-Nov-94 13:53:14 +wpl.library
39004 19762 49.3% 11-May-94 09:56:16 +xferq.library
27564 15330 44.3% 14-Jan-95 17:03:56 +xprzedzap.library
17981 6983 61.1% 24-Jan-95 22:27:54 License.DOC
438 223 49.0% 01-Mar-95 19:11:50 License.DOC.info
674 373 44.6% 24-Jan-95 20:57:34 nodelist.rexx
748 394 47.3% 18-Apr-95 14:14:06 rock
1241 620 50.0% 24-Jan-95 22:10:32 rock.cfg
774 430 44.4% 25-Jan-95 21:06:32 rock.default_cfg
9005 3786 57.9% 18-Apr-95 14:32:58 Rock.DOC
438 226 48.4% 01-Mar-95 19:11:48 Rock.DOC.info
4210 1698 59.6% 18-Apr-95 14:13:08 rock.rexx
8076 2762 65.7% 18-Apr-95 14:32:16 rock.wpl
1568 767 51.0% 18-Apr-95 14:38:54 rock14.readme
438 224 48.8% 01-Mar-95 19:11:48 rock14.readme.info
7892 3290 58.3% 25-Jan-95 21:39:14 RockCfg.DOC
438 226 48.4% 01-Mar-95 19:11:48 RockCfg.DOC.info
9189 3851 58.0% 28-Jan-95 22:29:10 RockCfg_Fr.DOC
438 225 48.6% 01-Mar-95 19:11:48 RockCfg_Fr.DOC.info
166 130 21.6% 01-Mar-95 19:06:58 waitrock
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
202201 98967 51.0% 28-Apr-95 10:07:18 31 files